Climate File Articles

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The Campaign Against the Climate: Debunking climate change denial

Al Jazeera (17/04/2021)

The shocking exposure of a million-dollar, 30-year denial campaign that undermined science and cast doubt on the dangers of climate change.


50 things you can do to fight climate change #Do1Thing

Victoria Jones, Manchester Evening News (04/02/2020)

Pick one thing, or pick several. Start small but start now.


Emissions of potent greenhouse gas have grown, contradicting reports of huge reductions

University of Bristol (21/01/2020)

Despite reports that global emissions of the potent greenhouse gas, HFC-23, were almost eliminated in 2017, an international team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, has found atmospheric levels growing at record values.


Video - Australia's heat and bushfires are signs of fundamental shifts in its climate

Yale Climate Connections (20/01/2020)

Storms are more often tracking over the ocean rather than over land, depriving the continent of much-needed water.


2 Sumatran islands vanish below the sea

Cliff Mitchell (18/01/2020)

23 million people in Indonesia's coastal cities will be threatened by rising sea level in the next 30 years.


Our oceans are getting more acidic. Why?

Cliff Mitchell (17/01/2020)

Our oceans getting rapidly more acidic and it really matters, for all of us!


Losing Nemo! Highest ocean temperatures EVER in 2019

Cliff Mitchell (17/01/2020)

Warming is continuing, it has accelerated, and it is unabated. Unless we do something significant and quickly, it's really dire news.


Climate Tipping Points – An Existential Threat to Civilisation

Cliff Mitchell (05/01/2020)

What are climate tipping points and why are they so dangerous?


Stanford researchers show how we can tackle the climate emergency worldwide

Cliff Mitchell (03/01/2020)

143 countries around the world, representing more than 99.7% of global fossil fuel CO2 emissions, can switch to 100 per cent clean energy by the year 2050


2020: kick-start a decade of change

Cliff Mitchell (01/01/2020)

2020: starting a decade of change to protect the climate and nature

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